疏风解表、清热泻下。 主治外感热风, 内有蕴热, 表里皆实之证, 症见憎寒壮热、头目昏眩、口苦口干、目赤眼痛、咽喉不利、胸膈痞闷、大便秘结、小便赤涩、舌红苔白或黄、脉浮滑数者。 |
Expelling wind from the body surface, clearing away heat and promoting bowel movement; mainly for asthenia-syndrome of both the superficies and the interior after the attack of exogenous wind-heat and the retention of heat in the interior, which is manifested as aversion to cold, fever. Dizziness, bitter and dry mouth, conjunctivitis, sore throat, felling of oppression over the chest, constipation, dysuria with reddish urine, red tongue with white or yellow fur, floating and smooth, rapid pulse. |